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Magda promises Petrobras program to build ships

Daniel Oliveira – June 19, 2024 The president of Petrobras, Magda Chambriard, promised company investments in ship construction. In a speech at the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday (19), Magda stated that Petrobras will invest in a program that will boost both the company and the Brazilian naval industry. She emphasized that strengthening logistics is essential…

Petrobras CEO facing government dissatisfaction over his management. – G1

9th April 2024 – Petrobras CEO Jean Paul Prates is facing intense scrutiny and potential replacement following dissatisfaction among government officials over his management of the Brazilian state-controlled oil company. Prates has been at odds with Brazil’s Minister of Mines & Energy, Alexandre Silveira, for several months, but tensions heightened when Petrobras decided not to…

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