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Brazil’s main oil-producing field in the pre-salt region, Tupi, has reached the milestone of 3 billion barrels of accumulated oil, according to Petrobras.

O Globo – 28/10/2024 19h47

This is the first time an area operated by the state-owned company in Brazil has reached such an amount of extracted oil. Platforms have been active in this region of the Santos Basin for 15 years.

The main oil-producing field in the Santos Basin pre-salt region, Tupi, reached an unprecedented milestone in the third quarter of this year, producing a cumulative total of 3 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) over 15 years since it began operations.

This is the first time a production area in Brazil has achieved this mark, the state-owned company announced today, demonstrating the high productivity of pre-salt production fields.

Production at the Tupi field is carried out through seven FPSO-type platforms. This deep-water area off the Brazilian coast is operated by Petrobras (65%), with partners Shell (25%) and Petrogal (10%).

Production began in 2010, following tests the previous year that confirmed evidence of oil reservoirs. The pre-salt reserves were discovered in 2006 and are developed by oil companies under a production-sharing regime with the Brazilian government.

The accumulated record for Tupi was announced earlier this evening by Petrobras in its Production and Sales Report for the third quarter of this year. Between July and September, Petrobras’ total oil and gas production averaged 2.69 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed), slightly lower than the previous quarter’s mark of 2.70 million boed. In the third quarter of 2023, performance was higher at 2.88 million boed.

Petrobras highlighted the start of operations in October of a new production system in the Jubarte field, located in the pre-salt area of the Campos Basin, which may contribute to the company’s total output in the fourth quarter. The FPSO platform Maria Quitéria began operations on 15 October in this offshore area.

Petrobras expects to bring additional platforms online soon, such as the FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias for the Mero field in the Santos Basin and the FPSO Almirante Tamandaré, which will be the first to operate in the Búzios field, also in the Santos Basin.

Fuel Production and Sales

According to Petrobras, in the third quarter of this year, production and sales of derivatives in the domestic market grew by 4.2% compared to the previous quarter. Diesel sales rose by 6%, driven mainly by seasonal factors, including higher demand from trucks transporting the grain harvest and increased industrial activity.

In September 2024, Petrobras recorded its best monthly result of the year for the Total Utilisation Factor (TUF) of its refineries, reaching 97% capacity utilisation. “This reflects the high level of operational efficiency in our refining network and strong integration with the company’s logistics and marketing divisions,” reported the state-owned company, which, under the leadership of Magda Chambriard, is aiming to boost national fuel production.

According to Petrobras, gasoline production reached a quarterly record during this period, and there were three consecutive months of growth in sales of renewable content diesel (Diesel R), which will be tested in Vale’s trucks as part of a recently announced agreement.

“We are developing increasingly green fuels and honouring our commitment to decarbonising our operations. The partnership with Vale is another realisation of Petrobras’ goal to enhance the company’s productive capacity and logistical structure, delivering greener products to the market, like Diesel R, and reinforcing our decarbonisation strategy,” stated Magda Chambriard, Petrobras president, in the report.

Source: O Globo / BR8

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